LDC typing |
AIIMS Bilaspur had conducted skill/typing test for Lower Division Clerk(speed 35wpm) and Stenographer (dictation 80wpm) during February 2022.
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For Stenographer- Dictation 80wpm
In presenting this Report, my first duty would be to thank the Dhebar Commission for preparing this valuable document. The commission have gone deep into the various aspects of this problem and have produced an important and valuable document. The commission had to tour a lot and they had to put in very hard work. I should like to convey my thanks and congratulations to the Chairman of the Commission, Shri Dhebar, and also to his other colleagues for this useful contribution.
As the House is aware, the problem of the scheduled tribes has been constantly engaging the attention/ of the Government since the constitution was framed and adopted. Still the government were not satisfied with the actual progress made. lt was in that context that the government appointed two committees before the Dhebar Commissions was appointed. The first was the Elwin committee which specially dealt with the problem of the Tribal Blocks. The second committee was appointed on the suggestion of the estimates committee to study the problem of the backward communities specially. On top of that, ln pursuance of Article 339 of the Constitution, the Government appointed the Dhebar commission and now/it is for the House to give its opinion on the recommendations made by the commission. Our desire is that as soon as the parliament- this House as well as the other House-has discussed this report and expressed its views, we will go ahead with the recommendations made and we will certainly like that they are implemented as early as possible.
I do not want to enter into generalities but it must be said that our country is vast and our problems are also immense, Generally, we are a very poor country and it is true that during the /// British days we did not actually realise what poverty meant. People suffered without much protest, but now, when the country is trying to go ahead with economic development, it is but natural that every section of our community should like to progress simultaneously. I think if we are frank, we should admit that there are certain weaker sections of our community in the country who have not made as much advance and progress as others have done. It has therefore become very important that we should lay special emphasis on the development of the scheduled castes and the Scheduled tribe.////
It is necessary therefore that we should carefully consider the various recommendations made and see what we can do to achieve a certain target within a prescribed period. The scheduled Tribes have been living in isolated places, far-off places, not connected with roads, They do not have any amenities of life, neither medical aid nor even proper educational facilities. We have to bring them out of that situation and we must try to integrate those people with other sections of our countrymen. It is far from my mind to suggest that we should impose anything on them, whether /////our customs or our culture, though the culture is more or less common throughout the country, but every community has its own conventions and customs. Therefore, when I say that there should be complete integration, I do not mean to suggest that there should the imposition of anything on the tribal communities as such. Still, it is essential that integration will only be possible if their standards are raised, if they are more or less brought to the same level where we or the other people are who are not so isolated. So, we have to bring these people to////// that level and we can do that, not by implementing certain schemes only but by bringing about a radical change in our outlook and approach. There may be different communities and different religions in our country but lndia had its own unique traditions in the past which we have to carry on and maintain even now. ln fact our philosophic base has been unity in diversity and In it is our good fortune that when we are free, when we have become independent various communities and religions exist in our country and it should be our effort to bring about/////// complete unity and solidarity amongst ourselves even if our religions are different or we differ in our customs, rites etc. So, I think that it is a challenge to all of us and I have no doubt that we will be able to meet this challenge, I do not want to take more time of the House, As I said in the beginning, I do not want to enter into generalities. So far as the recommendations of the Commission are concerned, they can broadly be divided into two categories. There are recommendations which //////// are to be dealt with or which directly concern the Home Ministry. {Words: 804)
Typing Speed 35wpm
Time allotted 10 minutes
Note- Repeat the passage if time allows.