Technical Resignation

How to apply for other government jobs while serving under probation period?

Technical resignation
Technical resignation

Technical Resignation

Generally, it is seen that most of the under probation candidates find it difficult in deciding whether to apply for other jobs while they have themselves given their consent to their current employer that they will not apply anywhere else. In such circumstances, everyone finds ambiguity and seeks for clarity. So what’s the way forward?

This article also answers following queries-

  • Can I apply for other government jobs during my probation period?
  • Should I intimate my current employer, if I am applying for other job during my probation period?
  • How to obtain NOC from current employer, if you had not intimated about your application to other job during probation?
  • What is technical resignation?
  • As per my appointment terms and conditions, I would be on probation period for 2 years and can’t apply for other jobs outside organization, what is the way forward if I wish to apply?
  •      How to intimate your current organization about your application for other jobs outside organization?


Well, before moving ahead, I should explain what is this PROBATION PERIOD?

Probation period is a period of engaging an employee to test his/her performance on the suitability of a position. If an employee's performance is found to be unsatisfactory, the employer can terminate the employee's services or can extend the probation period for a specified period and the same cannot be construed illegal. Generally, most of the organizations appoint its new employees on probation for a period of 2 years, but this timeline may differ from employer to employer.

In addition to this, employer seeks consent from employee that he/she would not apply for other job during his probation period or his/her application for other job outside organization will not be forwarded before the completion of probation period.

Now, an individual who has just joined an organization on aforesaid terms can have multiple ways to go about.

Employer seeks for a written declaration during appointment, where new employee can specify all the examinations that he/she had applied for or which are currently in-process. For such exams, he/she will be liable to obtain NOC (No Objection Certificate) from current employer. But for exams, he/she is willing to apply for, after his joining, employers will not provide NOC as per terms and conditions.

In such cases, many candidates were losing their eligibility for most of the exams due to age factor, as their precious period of 2 years gets into vain. Therefore, it got serious opposition across the country.

As a response to this, most of the exams conducting agencies had introduced a new concept, where a candidate working under any government office whether in permanent or temporary capacity, will have to intimate his/her Head of Department about his application to a particular examination. In such case, application needs not to be forwarded through proper channel. Union Public Service Commission and other popular exams conducting agencies like Reserve Bank of India ask just to intimate one’s Head of Department. Candidate is advised to read terms and conditions delineated in official notification before taking any step further.

What is this “through proper channel”?

When an employee working under any government seeks for applying to other exam, he/she may be required to forward his application through his current department. After submitting his application through Online Mode, he/she is required to forward it through his current department, which most of the times, caused denial of application forwarding through department due to various reasons.

But the new introduced concept exempted the employees from ensuring that his/her application be forwarded through proper channel, rather they are required to intimate their Head of Department only, which he/she has to provide during document verification or at advanced stages of examination process or as or when may be required by exam conducting agencies.


When you have intimated your concerned Head of Department and in case your department has asked further to your exam conducting agency, not to consider your application providing a reasonable statement, then candidature of such candidates may be cancelled.

What is "Technical Resignation"?

 When a candidate during his joining, had intimated his department about any exam which was already in-process, for such exam, that candidate is liable to obtain NOC as well as technical resignation. In case of technical resignation all his/her service record including leave balances, is transferred to his new employer from previous employer.

Exception- Candidate is only liable for technical resignation, if he is switching either from state to state government or from center to center. Second, if candidate is moving upward or going to the same level in pay matrix, for example, an employee working at level 4 of 7thpay commission is liable for technical resignation only if he is moving either to level 4 or higher than level 4.

 Way Forward

Now, it is clear that there is no absolute way as such to go about. Only reasonable way is, to intimate your current employer about your application. Since, it is digital world, therefore extracting one's service record is a cup of tea in modern world. No matter what your current employer revert back with, you need to keep your safe side and at the same time, staying ethical in your approach, by not hiding anything whatsoever is important to be intimated to your new employer. And the best part is, employers nowadays, themselves, are asking to produce only the intimation letter at the time of document verification, nothing else. It makes the process convenient for applicant and henceforth enhances the credibility of candidate.