Top Sarais, Dharmshalas near PGI Chandigarh

Sarai and Dharamshala in PGI Chandigarh
Dharmshala & Sarai

About PGI

PGI Chandigarh is a premier institute based at Sector 12, Chandigarh. It offers a wide range of health services to a huge amount of population coming majorly fron upper northern part of India and a significant count of population from other states of southern, easter and central part of India. People from all sections of the society visit the PGI Chandigarh for treatment purpose. A huge number of unprivileged folks also visit PGI for treatment which generally goes for days or weeks. Therefore, patient attendants find it difficult to arrange their stays in vicinity to the PGI itself.
They usually look for optimum level of stay in terms of finances as well as accessibility. Therefore, a sarai or dharmshala can be a perfect place to be at and if it is in vicinity to PGI Hospital, then that would be a great click.

Sarais/Dharmshalas near PGI

In this article, I will be giving some reliable options for these folks looking for economic shelters. Here we goes with the list:-

1. Infosys Foundation Red Cross Sarai


You just need PGI patient card as a proof to produce otherwise you won't be able to access it. It has lifts and ramps for making it easily accessible for differently abled persons. It is few steps away from main road for getting easy access to autos and rickshaws. One can visit reception of Red Cross Sarai and get further information related to the charges, stating tenure and other details. This society also runs langars in PGI for ensuring access to food for all at minimum bearable cost. You may come across on daily basis while wandering through the campus of PGI.


Dormitory Bed-Rs110/Day + Rs 110 Refundable Security
Room with attached washroom-Rs650/Day + Rs650 Refundable Security
3 Bedded Room-Rs500/Day + Rs500 Refundable Security
6 Bedded Room-Rs600/Day + Rs600 Refundable Security

2. Shri Hari Sarai, PGI


This is also located in PGI Campus, Sector -12, in vicinity to the Power Grid lights, next to emergency lights.
You can easily walk through the Goal Market for 10 minutes and will find it easily. This sarai is in close proximity to main road going towards PGI for one direction and to Khuda Lahora, Sarangpur and Dhanas to the other.
This place is having natural touch as it is surrounded by multiple trees and Dhanas Wildlife sanctuary is also in close vicinity to this place. You can have your booking done from PGI reception or at Sarai's reception too.


It offers services at very nominal rate of Rs.15/Day for 2 beds and Rs 40/Day for private room with attached bathroom.

3. Himachal Sarai Bhawan


It is based at Sector 24D, Chandigarh near Future Institute at a distance of around 4KM from PGI hospital. It is accessible for only those who are permanent residents of the state Himachal Pradesh. Free patient bus facility is also available to PGI and vice versa at scheduled times, five time a day starting from 07:45AM to 5:00PM . Please carry your PGI card alongside for booking formalities.


Price range for booking normally ranges from Rs100-300. Canteen facility is also available at a reasonable price of Rs 50/Thali.
Please carry your PGI card alongside for booking formalities

So, this is a list of Sarais or Dharmshalas near PGI, which are popular choices among patients and their attendants for seeking a patients-friendly stay near to PGI Hospital. I will be updating this list from time to time. Therefore, it is advised to visit it regularly for any update and follow this blog for staying in touch to other informative content.