UPSC Optional - Public Administration Thinker - MAX WEBER(1864-1920)


Public administration
Max Weber

UPSC Optional Notes Free Download - Public Administration Thinker 

MAX WEBER(1864-1920)

 Notable work : “The Protestant Ethic” and “The Spirit of Capitalism”in connection to historical
Industrial Revolution..
 He had given the functions and rational meaning of BUREAUCRACY.
 Bureau is a French word which means a table, an office or even a department transacting
business, whereas “cracy” greek word, meaning government rule. So literally it becomes as
government ruling from office.
 Hence it means a body of officials assigned with the exercise of powers organized on a
constitutional basis who are independent of a kind or any head.
 Bureaucracy term was coined by Jaques Claude Marie Vincent deGourney.

 Types of authority:

1. Traditional-Obey me because this is what our people have always done
2. Charismatic-Obey me because I can transform your life.
3. Legitimate- Obey me because  I am your lawfully appointed superior

 Fundamental beliefs of Bureaucracy:

- Written obligations.
- No scope of arbitration, rule of law
- No one is above law
- Person holding authority must be unbiased and just
- Members of organizations obey impersonal orders by default of the position, not the person

 Principles of bureaucracy –

- Governed by rules
- Division of work with proportional division of authority and responsibility
- Hierarchical structure
- Hiring Skilled and competent personnel
- A complete absence of appropriation of official position by incumbent. A classic eg of M.
Visvesvaraya (Indian Engineer) who always used to carry two pens, one belonged to govt and
other for personal purpose.
- Institutional memory, written records
- Permanent Career, with salaries, promotions on the basis of merit or seniority

 Features:

- Precision
- Reliability
- Discipline
- Speed
- Continuous improvements through trainings
- Operational uniformity
- Discretion
- Reduction of friction
- Official secrecy- keeping knowledge and motives of bureaucrat secretive

 Limitations of Rule by officials

- Collegiality- takes more time in decision making
- Separation of powers- Compromise could be made by involved bodies
- Amateur administration- Unremunerated activity where govt depends upon administrators
- Direct democracy- Accountability towards people
- Representation- Ruling those who elect them, free to take decisions

Criticism of Max Weber:

 Weber has emphasized on office than the officer
 Non-compatibility of model to ecological context of different countries and changing times
 Robert K Merton criticized on the grounds that’s emphasis on adhering to rules results in
inefficiency rather rules are for maximizing efficiency, must emphasis more on ends rather than on
 Bhattacharya explains formal aspects(hierarchy, rigid rules) become more important than
substantive one(service to people) hence whole system suffers from rationality