UPSC Optional - Public Administration Thinker - CHESTER BARNARD

Chester Barnard

UPSC Optional Notes Free Download - Public Administration Thinker 


 Known as Spiritual Father of Social systems school of Management
 Two seminal works “The functions of executives” (1938) and “Organization and
 Cooperation is founding stone of organization, People organize themselves to do the things
they can’t do alone.


- Both are complimentary to each other, no one exists individually.
- Formal organization is – as system of coordinated activities or forces of two or more
persons, It refers to the structure of well defied jobs and responsibilities.

- Four pillars of formal organization:

1.) Division of labour
2.) Scalar and functional process(Hierarchy)
3.) Structure
4.) Span of Control

 Informal organizations bring cohesiveness to a formal organization
 Communication is the founding stone of organization.
 It requires people who can communicate with each other.
 Even authority is also a form of communication

 Seven features are must for communication:

1.) Channel should be definite
2.) Everybody should know about channels
3.) Everyone should have access to formal channels
4.) Line of communication should as short and as direct as possible.
5.) Competence of person serving as communication centre should be enough
6.) Line of communication should not be interrupting while communication in progress
7.) Every communication should be authenticated

 Concept of Authority

 It is a bottom-up approach, depends upon the acceptance of subordinates.
 Two types of authority-
 Subjective(how subordinate interprets those orders)
 Objective(willingness to respect superiors)

 Fiction of authority:-

Subordinates accepts orders due to fear of rejection among other employees,
while one who gives order thinks it’s bcz his influence, so although reasons may be different of
accepting or giving the orders, everyone has their own understanding.

 Contribution-Satisfaction Equilibrium: 

Employee contributes and in return organization satisfies him with salaries and incentives, there must be an equilibrium/balance.

 Types of incentives;-

- Material-Money
- Not Material-Recognition, prestige, distinction
- Desirable physical condition of work
- Ideal benefactions- Altruistic services, patriotism
 Material rewards are ineffective after a subsistent level
 General incentives:
- Associated attractiveness based on compatibility with the associates
- The adoption of working conditions to the physical habitual working pattern
- The opportunity for the feeling of enlarged participation in the

 Zone of Indifference:

- Which orders will be accepted and which will be rejected(which falls outside zone of
- Superiors must give those orders only which falls inside the zone.

 Functions of a leader:

- Leadership depends upon three things:
1.) Individual
2.) Followers
3.) Conditions

 Functions of executives in organizations:

- Maintenance of communication networks-Specifying duties, defining organizational
- Securing essential services from individuals-Maintaining morale, training and education
- The formulation of organizational purpose

 Decision Making:

- Organizational decision making rather than individual decision making
- Decision made by organization are more rational and logical
- Impersonal decision made by organization
- More Explicitly stated
- Deliberative conclusion
- Organizational decisions can be delegated, while personal can’t be
- Organizational decisions are specialised