UPSC Optional - Public Administration Thinker - ELTON MAYO(1880-1949)

Elton Mayo


UPSC Optional Notes Free Download - Public Administration Thinker 

ELTON MAYO(1880-1949)

 Australian born in Adelaide
 In 1919 appointed as First chairman of Philosophy Department bcz of his work rendered during
 Hawthorne studies in 1928 in Chicago in Western Western Electric Company
 Considered as founder of Industrial sociology Human relation School of business organization
 Phases in Hawthorne experiment:
1.) Illumination experiment
2.) Relay assembly Test room
3.) Interviewing Program
4.) Bank Wiring Observation Room
 Outcomes of Hawthorne Experiment:
- Work is a group activity
- The need for recognition , security and sense of belonging is important in determining worker’s
morale and productivity
- Worker’s attitude and effectiveness is determined by internal and external social influence
- It was observed that the workers had a strong desire to cooperate communicate with fellow
- Management should acquire social skills and use them to secure worker’s cooperation
 Mayo emphasized on social aspect of work
 Two way communication from higher to lower and vice versa
 First book published “The human Problems of an Industrialized Civilization” in 1933.
 According to this, the primary need of industrialized world was to develop better social relationships
with each other.
 Another book published “The social Problems of an Industrialized Civilization” in 1945.
 According to Mayo, industrialization can solve the problem of growth and economic development
but actually it had not been able to solve the social problems.
 Another book published “The political Problems of an Industrialized Civilization” in 1947.


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